Apparently the guy got him to drive to an atm and he gave the guys $200. Roommate ends up taking him and we go to the store. I'm a fairly small dude, but roommate is less threatening, if that's even possible. As we are considering taking him, our roommate at the time shows up on his lunch break. He says needs a ride to an auto parts store to grab something for his car. We answer the door, we were literally headed out right then, and he says he lives with his mother across the street from us (we did know that an older lady lived across the street). We peek out the window and it's a very tall guy in his 50s.

My partner and I were about to leave to go grab some things at Walmart. I lived south of there off of Candler Road (completely different neighborhood) and had the same grifter come by, as well as gunshots from them trapping out a house two doors down. Some other friends lived just south of East lake on 2nd avenue and had their house broken into. Yet another friend lived south of there (different neighborhood) and had their house broken into. Some other friends are raising a family south of there off of Glenwood and haven’t had any problems that I know of except a neighbor coming to them to escape an abusive boyfriend. Friends of mine own a house on Ivy Glen nearby, are raising a kid there, and love it but have also had their car stolen out of their driveway (fancy car), some other friends lived nearby and had a legit grifter/confidence man take them for some money by posing as their neighbor. Dominos nearby is good but delivery can be unreliable. I’ve only known people who live over there so my knowledge is limited: